home recording

Caja De Huesos (2023)

Caja De Huesos translates as ‘Box Of Bones’, and this particular Box Of Bones is a collection of old songs written at various times between 1998 – 2009, but recorded here for the first time. I wrote many others through those years, but the songs I chose for Caja De Huesos are some of the […]

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Burial Grounds (2023)

The pieces on Burial Grounds emerged as part of the same process that produced Making Peace I & II and Looking For Light, and conceptually they carry elements of the same themes. This album explores how a place (land / house) can accumulate layers of historical trauma, and how the energies of that trauma can

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Making Peace I & II (2023)

My musicking process / continuum is unavoidably autobiographical, always reflecting some aspect of whatever life events my ‘self’ is experiencing at the time. I think of my albums more as creative journals and sketchbooks, drawing and writing in sound. The act is immediate, grabbing snatches of life as it swirls, rumbles, whizzes, grinds and shudders

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Intimacies (2023)

In today’s culture (gasping as it is for nuanced vocabulary and thought), the word ‘intimacy’ seems mainly to appear in conversations about (human) relationships, as polite popular code for sex. For those inclined to living with more nuance, there is a multifluence of ‘intimacies’. These include states of connection that can be metaphysical, extra-sensory and

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Because, Remember (2022)

Because, Remember is in part a meditation on memory: its fragmentary nature to begin with, and its unavoidable fragmentation over time. In particular, it explores the memory of a time that my children can’t even remember having with me. As an aging parent, I feel a strong undercurrent of sadness and loss in knowing that

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Displacement Ritual (2022)

A restless ceremonial jazz journey, exploring physical, emotional & psychic displacement. Moods shift in fluid ripples or jagged left-turns, dreamlike, coiling and slithering through moments of harmonic repose, fragmentary riffing and freeform dissonance. Initially recorded over a couple of days, in the thick of a very difficult & distressing house-move, and developed around one meandering

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More pondersome plunk: The Witnessing Of Paint In Its Drying Moments (2021)

The Witnessing Of Paint In Its Drying Moments is an album of five very slow, minimalist piano compositions, created during a period of particularly intense grief and loss. Grief takes many forms, can return in great waves over decades, and loss is not exclusively the province of death.  The grief of losing someone deeply-loved yet

More pondersome plunk: The Witnessing Of Paint In Its Drying Moments (2021) Read More »

Rock albums 2018 – 2021

For a quick overview of my loosely-genred “rock” experiments between 2017 – 2019, try my two Rock Samples compilations.  They are both available as free downloads (or pay if you want to) from my Bandcamp site.  You’ll find the individual album links below.  For a more detailed insight into each of the original “rock” albums

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The Ears Have Walls (2017)

Between 2003 – 2016 I was pretty obsessed by acoustic music from all over the world, in particular the authentic voice of acoustic instruments.  I’d pushed my acoustic guitar playing into increasingly complex territory with the gypsified Spondooli Brothers duo, dabbled in a few other folk instruments like mandolin & balalaika, and when I began

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