
Almost all my music is instrumental and exploratory in some sense, across whatever styles take my interest.  I consider it all autobiography, as the music is inseparable from the life living it.  This archive offers observations of process, creative motivators, intrapersonal mythology and occasional revelation relating to my musical life.  There are  audio samples from each project and links to my Bandcamp site, where all my music is available for purchase.

Caja De Huesos (2023)

Caja De Huesos translates as ‘Box Of Bones’, and this particular Box Of Bones is a collection of old songs...

Textured Monotonies V (2023)

The recordings on Textured Monotonies V have actually been ready for release since Dec 2022, but the many-tentacled beast that...

Burial Grounds (2023)

The pieces on Burial Grounds emerged as part of the same process that produced Making Peace I & II and...

Looking For Light (2023)

Looking For Light contains many layers of meaning for me, all relating to my experience of living in a particular...

Making Peace I & II (2023)

My musicking process / continuum is unavoidably autobiographical, always reflecting some aspect of whatever life events my ‘self’ is experiencing...

Intimacies (2023)

In today’s culture (gasping as it is for nuanced vocabulary and thought), the word ‘intimacy’ seems mainly to appear in...

Because, Remember (2022)

Because, Remember is in part a meditation on memory: its fragmentary nature to begin with, and its unavoidable fragmentation over...

Displacement Ritual (2022)

A restless ceremonial jazz journey, exploring physical, emotional & psychic displacement. Moods shift in fluid ripples or jagged left-turns, dreamlike,...

Kalonga (2022)

Although chronologically some of these recordings were made prior, Kalonga follows on from Floater, and the pieces all emerged from...

Floater (2022)

Over the months of June / July we had to move from our home of the last 5 years (Kalonga)....

Crucible (2022)

Some of my albums have no particular story, no underlying thematic glue or particular point of inspiration when I’m creating...

Xenografika (2022)

The first pieces for Xenografika began taking shape immediately after I completed the Kro Gnosis album, which had itself followed...

Kro Gnosis (2022)

Once again, a combination of disparate ingredients organically converged to bring about this new collection of musical explorations, Kro Gnosis. ...

Temple (2022)

The emergence of the Temple recordings began with an unexpected musical gift from my partner Heidi: a beautiful 17-note kalimba...

For A Few Gringos More (2022)

After the fun I had frankensteining Asp Burger ReMangled (in which I ‘remangled’ tracks from my 2018 Asp Burger album),...

Elegiac Reaction (2021)

Earlier this year I recorded a collection of spacious, minimalist piano pieces that became the album The Witnessing Of Paint...

Asp Burger ReMangled (2021)

Things to do when you have a broken wrist: Make a guitar album. That is, take an existing guitar album,...

Other spaces: Occupy Your Mind (2021)

Often, by way of amusing myself, I assemble my recording experiments around a particular play on words, and the oddly-connected...

Other spaces: Oort (2021)

In musicking, as in life, there is never any one particular process – each project seems to emerge with a...