experimental electronic music

Because, Remember (2022)

Because, Remember is in part a meditation on memory: its fragmentary nature to begin with, and its unavoidable fragmentation over time. In particular, it explores the memory of a time that my children can’t even remember having with me. As an aging parent, I feel a strong undercurrent of sadness and loss in knowing that

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Kalonga (2022)

Although chronologically some of these recordings were made prior, Kalonga follows on from Floater, and the pieces all emerged from the same event, ie having to leave our home of the last 5 years. Kalonga is the name of the dirt road leading to where the house is situated – I’ve always liked the visual

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Crucible (2022)

Some of my albums have no particular story, no underlying thematic glue or particular point of inspiration when I’m creating them.  I might impose an identity on these albums after the fact, but they really just exist as exercises in sound and composition for their own sake.  Crucible is one such. There are, however, two

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Other spaces: Postnebulism / Uncertainty Box (2021)

While these two albums certainly both share qualities of atmospherics, spacious soundscaping and ambient textures, they are both stylistically distinct from each other.  Part of why I’ve included them together in this post is that they also share the somewhat dubious quality of being ‘rehashed’, even if in different senses.  I’ve written elsewhere about cannibalising

Other spaces: Postnebulism / Uncertainty Box (2021) Read More »